Integrity - The embodiment of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, honor, and consistent adherence to high-level, moral principles, Commitment - People’s willingness to devote their full energies and talents to the successful completion of undertakings, Excellence - A desire for, and pursuit of, the highest quality in any undertaking, process, product, or result, Risktaking - Taking initiative, innovating, breaking the mold, and speaking out in sincere attempts to support core values, Teamwork - Working collaboratively and cooperatively toward achieving a common recognized end, Accountability - Taking responsibility for the content and process of decisions made, actions taken, and the resulting outcomes, Improvement - A commitment to continuously enhance the quality of personal and organizational results, performances, and processes, Openness - A willingness and desire to receive, consider, and act ethically on information and possibilities of all kinds, Alignment - The purposeful, direct matching of decisions, resources, and organizational structures with the organization’s vision, Courage - The willingness of individuals and organizations to risk themselves despite the likelihood of negative consequences or fear,
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