identify any known contra indications - why is it important to to refer to a client record card?, the strength of the cortex - An elasticity test is carried out to identify , if the cuticle layer is raised - A porosity test is carried out to identify , to identify any problems and assess client requests - why is it important to identify factors that may restrict service?, to identify any incompatibilities which may restrict service - to prevent any damage to a clients hair and skin it is important to , General practitioner - ring worm is a skin condition that should be referred to , in a secure lockable area within the salon - how should client records be stored , hairdresser in salon - the hair condition fragilitis cranium should be refered to? , as you are not a medical professional - during a consultation why should you not identify a contra indication? , a record card - previous, contra indications, allegies or incompatibilities should be written on?, remain confidential at all times - client information should , to protect clients from the mis use of client information - the data protection act 1998 is designed to , small white eggs near the scalp, lice maybe present - a suspected infestation could be recognised as , the hair follicle - the pocket in which the hair grows is called?, epidermis - the top layer of the skin is called the , cortex - the outer layer of the hair is called the , tightly curled and fragile - the characteristic of African style hair , telegan - the resting stage of hair growth cycle is known as , general health, diet & lifestyle - the internal affects of a clients hair condition would reflect , 1.25cm - what is the average rate the hair grows per month,
KT Client consultation Mock Test
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