concept - an abstract idea or general notion that guides the creation of something, restaurant menu - a list of food and beverage items offered for customers to choose from, entree - the main course of a meal, often including a protein like meat or fish, appetizer - a small dish of food served before the main course of a meal to stimulate the appetite, dessert - the sweet course eaten at the end of a mea, beverage - a drink other than water, such as tea, coffee, juice, or soda, reservation - an arrangement in which something, such as a table at a restaurant, is held for one's use or possession, cuisine - a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment, vegetarian - a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons, vegan - a person who does not eat or use animal products,
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