What if Arthur Morgan had never contracted tuberculosis?How might his journey and decisions have differed without the looming presence of his illness?, What if John Marston had left the Van der Linde gang with Abigail and Jack before the events of RDR2?Would they have found the peaceful life they sought, or would their past still catch up to them?, What if Micah Bell was never a part of the Van der Linde gang? How would the gang's dynamics and eventual downfall have changed without his influence?, What if Sadie Adler had become the leader of the Van der Linde gang after Dutch's departure? How might her leadership have steered the gang's fate differently?, What if the Blackwater heist had been successful? Would the gang have retired peacefully, or would their greed and ambition have led them to further adventures and misfortunes?, What if Dutch van der Linde had listened to Arthur and John's concerns about Micah? Could the gang have been saved from self-destruction, or were they doomed from the start?, What if Arthur decided to leave the gang and start a new life early in the game? How would his story have unfolded, and what impact would his departure have had on the gang?, What if the game allowed players to choose a completely peaceful path, avoiding violence altogether? How would this approach affect the game's major conflicts and resolutions?, What if Charles Smith's efforts to help the Native American tribes were a central storyline? How would focusing more on this aspect of the game change the narrative or player perspective on the era?, What if the Pinkertons had offered Arthur a deal similar to the one they offered John in RDR1? Would Arthur have taken it, and how would it have affected his loyalty to the gang and his own moral compass?,
Red dead redemption what if scenarios by London Centre of English Wlodawa
London Centre of English Wlodawa
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