A trip that was worth your while, Education: was worth your while, Book: was worth your while, Education: wasn’t worth your while, Meeting that was worth your while, Meeting that wasn’t worth your while, An astronaut worth his salt: what should he be like?, A snake milker worth his salt should be….., Thing that is worth a try, Something that wasn’t worth the risk, Film (in cinemas now) that is worth watching, Work you’ve done that was (or wasn’t) worth your while, A coach in the gym who is worth his salt: what is he like?, Things you never buy because they are worthless, Worthy celebrity, Worthy politician, Worthy singer / doctor / architect etc, Your week worth of sugar: how much is it?, Your week worth of petrol: how much is it?, Metro pusher worth his salt should be…, Stand-in-liner worth his salt should be…, Something that wasn’t (isn’t) worth people’s attention, Book that is worth reading, A teacher worth his salt: what is he like?, A doctor worth his salt: what must he do and what mustn’t he do?.
Worth (Cutting Edge Advanced, Unit 3)
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