acquisition - the act of taking possession of something, anomaly - something unusual, consciously - awareness of one's actions, indisputable - beyond doubt, unquestionable, intervene - to come between, intuition - a natural sense about things that cannot be observed, permeate - spread or flow throughout, penetrate , usually a smell, component - one part, trigger - to set off, cause a reaction, expeditiously - quickly and effeciently, maintenance - act of keeping something in good condition, derive - to come from, feasible - possible, feasibly - in a possible way, accuracy - precision, exactness, seep - to pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas might, gut - to empty completely/to be badly emotionally injured, agnostic - believing that humans cannot know if there is a god, contemplate - to think about, deify - to worship something/someone as if it is a god,

TOEFL Units 3-10 Vocab


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