1) Kiedy samolot startuje? a) When does the plane take off? b) When does the plane take on? 2) Musiałam wziąć pożyczke a) I had to take on a loan b) I had to take out a loan 3) Musiałam skrócić spodnie i zwęzić koszule a) I had to take up my trousers and take in my shirt b) I had to take in my trousers and take up my shirt  4) Ty jesteś podobna do Angeliny Jolie (wygladasz jak) a) You took after Angelina Jolie b) You look like Angelina Jolie 5) Dobra, nie mam czasu, lece! a) All right (Alright), I don't have time, I'm off! b) All right (Alright), I don't have time, I'm going! 6) Kiedy to sie stało, ja byłam zaskoczona a) When this happened, I was taken aback b) When this happened, I was took aback c) When this happened, I was touched down d) When this happened, I was taken to 7) Możesz nastawić wode na herbate? a) Can you put on the water for tea? b) Can you put the water for tea? c) Can you put in the water for tea? 8) On mi kazał zgasić papierosa a) He told me to put off my cigarette b) He told me to put on my cigarette c) He told me to put out my cigarette 9) Musieliśmy przełożyć spotkanie and potem je przyspieszylismy a) We had to put out the meeting but then we put it forward b) We had to put in the meeting but then we put it back c) We had to put off the meeting but then we put it forward d) We had to put off the meeting but then we put it back 10) Czy możesz to odłożyć tam? a) Can you put it back there? b) Can you put it out there? 11) Nie moge jej znieść a) I can't out in with her b) I can't put up her c) I can't put up she d) I can't put up with she e) I can't put up with her 12) Ona przytyła a) She put on weight b) She put up weight c) She put in weight 13) Nie chce sprawiać ci kłopotu a) I don't want to put you off b) I don't want to put you out 14) Jutro musimy przestawić zegar a) Tomorrow we have to put the clock forward b) Tomorrow we have to change the clock c) Tomorrow we have to put the clock back 15) Kiedy wracasz? (zakładając, że mama pyta kiedy wrócisz do domu z imprezy) a) When are you going back? b) When are you coming back? 16) Mamo, wychodze! (z domu) a) Mum, I'm going out! b) Mum, I'm coming out! 17) Książka wychodzi w tym tygodniu a) The book comes out this week b) The book goes out this week 18) No podejdz do niej (koleżanka namawia kolege żeby podszedł do dziewczyny ktora mu się podoba) a) Go up to her b) Come up to her  c) Go back to her d) Come back to her e) Go at to her f) Come at to her 19) W poniedziałek przystepuje do egzaminu a) On Monday I'm going up for an exam b) On Monday I'm going in for an exam c) On Monday I'm going for an exam 20) On nigdy nie dotrzymuje słowa a) He always goes back on his words b) He never goes back on his word




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