force - push or pull on matter that enables that matter to CHANGE motion and interact, contact force - actual touch or contact to interact with matter, noncontact force - exist without touch or contact and still influence matter, applied force - contact - directly applied to object; example: pushing on a wall, normal force - contact - a support force; example: a book resting on a table, friction - contact - force of surfaces resistance against an object's motion along it, gravitational - noncontact - force of ATTRACTION between MASSES of matter, magnetic - noncontact - force of ATTRACTION or Repulsion between CHARGES of matter, unbalanced forces - change the motion of an object, balanced forces - keep the object in motion with a constant speed and in the same direction OR at rest, Newtons (N) - unit of measurement of a force; is named after Sir Isaac Newton, spring scale - force sensor can be used to measure force in Newtons, magnitude - quantity or amount, net force - the sum of all forces acting on an object; if BALANCE =0, if UNBALANCED ≠0,


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