show - give, demonstrate, illustrate, recap - repeat the main points of an explanation or a description, significant - vital, essential, important, imply - communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly, sophisticated - having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion, frustrate - make someone feel annoyed or less confident because they cannot achieve what they want, figure - a picture or drawing, often with a number, in a book or other document, ___________ chart - a bar, __________ graph - a line, fluctuation - a change, or the process of changing, especially continuously between one level or thing and another, trough - a low point in a regular series of high and low points, coincidence - an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising, inherent - existing as a natural or basic part of something, comprehend - understand something completely, rural - in, of, or like the countryside, urban - of or in a city or town, itinerary - a detailed plan or route of a journey, evolve - develop,
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