Abnormality - Deviation from what is considered normal in a specific culture., Culture - The beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a particular social group., Distress - Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain., Functional - Capable of working or operating as intended., Sanity - Mental soundness or rational thinking., Diagnosing - Identifying a disease or condition through symptoms., Psychiatric - Relating to the treatment of mental illness., Phobias - Intense, irrational fears of specific items or situations., Agoraphobia - Fear of open, public spaces., Obsessions - Uncontrollable, repetitive thoughts that cause anxiety., Compulsions - Behaviors performed to counteract obsessive thoughts., Mania - Periods of high energy and lack of inhibition., Amnesia - Loss of memory for personal identity., Hallucinations - Sensations or perceptions that appear real but are created by the mind.,

Psychological Disorders


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