Ethan: When Ethan stands on a box, he is 10 feet tall. If the box is 4 feet tall, how tall is Ethan?, 4 + r = 10, r = 6, CDs: A store is selling blank CDs in packs of 5 for $20. What is the cost of one blank CD?, 5r = 20, r = 4, Swayzee: The speed limit in front of Swayzee Elementary School is 25 miles per hour. This is half the speed of a highway one mile away. What is the speed limit of the hgihway?, r ÷ 2 = 25, r = 50, Mera: Mera drove 100 miles to visit her grandmother. If she drove 50 miles per hour, how many hours did it take Mera to drive to her grandmother’s?, 50r = 100, r = 2, Abbie: Abbie has put $40 into her savings account. She has made 5 deposits of the same amount. How much was the amount of each deposit?, 5r = 40, r = 8, Grace: Grace has $39. She has $8 less than her brother. How much money does Grace’s brother have?, r - 8 = 39, r = 47, Blakely: Blakely is baking chicken and the cooking time is 40 minutes, which is 4 times the preparation time. How long is the preparation time?, 4r = 40, r = 10, Mrs. Dailey: Mrs. Dailey is buying a ham. She wants to divide it into 4 ounce servings for 10 people. What size ham should Mrs. Dailey buy?, r ÷ 4 = 10, r = 40,
Equations Word Problems 1
6th Grade
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