Biochemists - study cells and chemical processes using lab instruments and equipment, Statisticians - analyze numbers and use math to study what the numbers mean, Biomechanical Engineers - design mechanical devices to improve people's quality of life, such a building artificial arms or legs, Dietitians - create nutritional programs for patients based on their medical information, Biofuel Techhnicians - test plant materials and turn them into usable fuel for homes, businesses, and vehicles, Geographic Systems Analysts - create maps to help solve problems, such as identifying which forests catch fire, Biologists - study animals and wildlife, often outdoors in the animal's natural habitat, Cryptographers - analyze, create, and unlock secret computer programs, called encryption codes, Psychologists - help patients with mental or mental illness, Aerospace Engineers - design, build, and test aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft, Physics Teachers - helps students understand the principles of matter and energy and how those forces interact in nature, Architects - think of ways to build homes, office building, and bridges, and then design them using special computer programs, Physical Therapists - help people who have injuries or disabilities regain movement in their arms and legs, Agricultural Engineers - study ways to produce more food and help grow better crops, Pharmacists - prepare medications and help people use them correctly, Astrophysicists - study the life and death of stars, planets, and galaxies that make up the universe,
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