Which do you think is (good), spending time with a lot of friends or spending time with just one or two friends?, Which country do you think is (big), Canada or the United States?, Which country do you think is (cold) in the winter, Russia or Iceland?, Which language do you think is (easy) to learn, English or your first language?, Which age group do you think is (happy), people under 25 or people over 50?, Which do you think is (safe), travelling by train or travelling by bus?, Which do you think is (bad) for your health, sugar or fried food?, Which do you think is (annoying) when you're trying to study, loud music or people talking?, Which do you think is (comfortable), travelling by plane or travelling by car?, Which animal do you think is (dangerous), a lion or a poisonous snake? , Which do you think is (important), friendship or money?, Which do you think is (interesting), reading books or watching TV?, Which do you think is (useful), a laptop or a mobile phone?.
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