What is Science? - Learning about the natural world around us, What skills do scientist use? - Observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, & conducting scientific investigation, What is Scientific thinking characteristic's? - Curiosity, creativity, honesty, ethics, skepticism, awareness of bias, What is Scientific reasoning? - Logical way of thinking based on gathering & evaluating evidence, What is Scientific Inquiry? - Ways scientist study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence gathered, Hypothesis - A possible answer to a scientific question and must be testable, Descriptive Investigation - Make observations and collect data to describe a phenomenon, Comparative and Correlative - Involve collecting data with variables that are changed to compare results, Experimental - Involve designing a test to determine causal relationships, Plan Investigation - Begin with a research question. Then, to get valid results, you must take the time to plan yourexperiment., Conduct Investigation - Independent Variable ( I Test) vs Dependent Variable (Data), Make Measurements - Graduated cylinders, rulers, thermometers, timing devices, Make Observations - Models, petri dishes, satellite image, microscope, and journals , Store, Mix, Transfer - Test tube, beaker, and flask,
SEP Day 1
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