Volume - the amount of space a three-dimensional object occupies., Surface Area - the total area of all surfaces on a three-dimensional object., Area - the amount of space inside a two-dimensional shape, Prototype - a model that performs the final solution and can be used for testing/evaluation, Mock-Up - is a model that represents of the final solution that does not function, Venn Diagram - used to show overlap between two or more sets of data ., Pie Chart - used to compare parts/percentages within one set of data., Bar Graph - used to show the relationship between objects by measuring frequency, Line Graph - used to show the relationship between two or more objects and/or a trend, Graphs and Charts - a conceptual model commonly used to show a relationship between two or more variables, Technical Writing - is a very precise style of writing using clarity, brevity, simplicity, and active voice, Models - are used throughout the Engineering Design Process to make observations and develop predictions, Isometric Projection - a simple way to show a three-dimensional object., CAD - computer-aided design, Technical Drawing - a visual communication language that is used to communicate how something works or is constructed, Annotated Sketches - are sketches that include notes or labels, dimensions, and/or symbols, Orthographic Projection - a way to represent a three-dimensional object in two dimensions,
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