It is on the table., He is a teacher., She is tall., I don't know., It is not here., I am from Spain., Where are you from?, Where are you?, Who are you?, What is this?, That is not for me., This is not my book., He is not my brother., Is he with his sister?, The pencil is under the table., Where is it?, It is not there., He is English., He is from England., Where is she from?, She is from the United States., What is your name?, Is this your pen?, My pen is red, not blue., He is in front of me., Is she behing you?, That is my only telephone., What is on the table?, Who is with him?, Who is she?, How are you?, How are you doing?, That is not for her., What is in the box?, What is your opinion?, You are very short., Where is Paris?, I am not happy., Are you ready?, It is very important., This is not interesting., He is no on my list., She is very nice., What day is today?, How is he doing?, Is that your answer?, It is next to the door., Where is it then?, I am the only person here., She is not my secretary.,
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