Small Problem: The person in front of you in line is walking too slowly., You and your friend can't decide on which movie to watch., The person sitting next to you is tapping her pencil on her desk and it is annoying you., Someone had already checked out the book you wanted from the library., You don't know the answer to your teacher's question., Your mom won't let you go outside., Someone is taking too long at the drinking fountain., Someone accidentally bumped into you in line., You see someone running in the hallway, which is against the rules., You can't find your favorite pencil., Someone wasn't playing by the rules when you were playing GAGA ball., The student behind you was kicking your chair., , Medium Problem: Someone stole your headphones., You feel so sick that you can't concentrate on your work., Someone threw a grape at you in the cafeteria., You can't get your locker open., You spilled your water on your desk., You found a mean note that someone wrote about you., Your book report is due today and you left it at home., You see a girl in your class taking scissors from the teacher's desk., You trip and scrape your knee. You are bleeding a little bit., You are supposed to take a test online, but your log-in isn't working., You go to the bathroom while at an assembly. When you come back you can't find your class., You see that someone wrote something inappropriate about your friend on the bathroom stall., , BIG Problem: Someone is choking at lunch and can't breathe., You see a bad car accident while you are outside playing., Your friend shows you a knife he brought to school., You are looking out the window of your classroom and see a tornado., You see someone throwing rocks at birds at recess., You see someone trying to sneak in through a window in the school. , A girl in your class told you that she wants to hurt herself., During dismissal, you see another student run into the busy street., Someone fell at recess and there is a lot of blood., You are home alone and hear someone breaking in., You wake up in the middle of the night and see part of your house on fire., You are walking home from school and someone starts chasing you., ,
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