Think It (Use your Brain Filter!): "Why do we have homework again?!", "This lesson is so dumb.", "I don't want to bring my book. This is stupid.", "This game is rigged!!!", "Whatever! You're all losers!", "Homework is the WORST! WHY?!", "This teacher doesn't know what they're doing.", "This class is stupid.", "That kid is annoying.", "C'mon! This is ridiculous!", "You did that so wrong!", "Why do we even have to do this?", "What's the point of this?", "That teacher is the worst.", "Homework again?!", "Everything is unfair.", "This doesn't even matter.", "You're such a jerk!", "You like that TV show?! It's so lame!", "I can't believe you like that music. It's so stupid.", Say It!: "When is the homework due?", "What do we need to take out for this lesson?", "I'll bring my book tomorrow.", "Good job on the game.", "Congrats on winning. Good game.", "I'll make sure to get this homework done.", "Do you think you could help me understand this?", "I will write down that homework in my assignment notebook.", "How was your day? It's good to see you.", "Math class isn't my favorite, but no big deal.",
Brain Filter: Think or Say
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