Share about a happy memory from your past., Share something that makes you feel proud., What are 3 things that make you feel angry? , What are 2 things you can do to calm down when you feel angry or upset/, Name 3 people who you can get support from., Do you have a friend you can talk to? Share about why that person is trust worthy. , Share about a fear you have. , Talk about a time you felt brave., Name 3 things that make you feel joy. , Talk about something that makes you feel sad. , What do you do when you feel big feelings?, Talk about whether or not you think it's ok to cry. , Share about a mistake you've made and how it made you feel., Share about a time you felt disappointed. , Talk about a time you felt lonely. , What can you do when you feel lonley?, Share about a time you felt guilty. , Talk about something that would make you feel rage., Name 3 things that annoy you., Practice an I-Statement "I feel_______ When _______ I need ______", Talk about a time you felt embarrassed. , Tell about a time someone did something kind for you. , Share about a way you are strong. , Talk about something you are curious about..
Feelings identifcation/expression and coping skills
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