Addend - a number being added or joined together with another number(s), Area - the number of unit squares (or square units) a figure or region covers, Bar Graph - a graphical representation to organize data that uses solid bars, Composite figure - a figure that is made of two or more two-dimensional figures, Data - information that is collected about people, events, or objects, Decompose figures - to break a geometric figure into two or more smaller geometric figures, Difference - the answer to a subtraction problem, Dividend - the number that is being divided, Divisor - the number the dividend is being divided by, Dot plot - a graphical representation to organize small sets of data that uses dots (or Xs, Equation - mathematical statement composed of equivalent expressions separated by an equal sign, Expression - a mathematical phrase, with no equal sign or comparison symbol, t, Fact families - related number sentences using the same set of numbers, Factor - a number multiplied by another number to find a product, Frequency table - a table to organize data that lists categories and the frequency (number of times) that each category occurs, Graph - a visual representation of the relationships between data collected, Input-output table - a table which represents how the application of a rule on a value, input, results in a different value, output, Pictograph - a graphical representation to organize data that uses a picture or symbol,, Product - the total when two or more factors are multiplied, Quotient - the answer to a division problems, Sum - the answer when adding two or more numbers,
3rd Grade All Operations
3rd Grade
Basic operations
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