Simile: The ice was cracked like shattered glass., Snow covered branches hung like chandeliers of delicate crystals., The biting wind cut the air like a blade., The snow was as soft as a pillow., Today feels as chilly as an autumn wind. , Metaphor: The snow was a soft, white quilt covering everything in sight. , The sky was an artist's canvas, each star a brushstroke of a beautiful masterpiece., The sound of the wind was a peaceful symphony, It's roasting in here., Fog is a white cat purring on the window sill. , Personification: Graceful beams of colourful light danced in and out of the stars., Mischievous gusts of wind played chase with the snowflakes., Stiff mountain peaks stood tall, guarding the magical wonderland., The last piece of cake called my name., The sun is playing hide and seek today. , Alliteration: Sparkling streams snake through the stunning scenery., Silent snowflakes swirled in spirals past my eyes., Majestic mountains cast long shadows across the ground., The wild wind whisks to the west., Claire closed her cluttered closet.,
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