Peer Pressure - Someone your own age pushes you to make a good or bad choice, Spoken Pressure - Someone ask you with words to do something, or pushes you to do something, Rejection (spoken pressure) - Threatening to leave someone out or end a friendship, Put Down (spoken pressure) - Insulting or calling names to make someone feel bad, Reasoning (spoken pressure) - Giving reasons why it would be ok to do something, Unspoken pressure - You feel pressure to do something because you see others do it, though nobody has said anything, The Huddle (unspoken pressure) - A group stands together talking or laughing, maybe looking at something you can't see, with their backs out to others., The Look (unspoken pressure) - Kids who think they're cool look at you, like:"We're cool and you're not.", The Example (unspoken pressure) - Popular kids buy or wear or do something, and because they do it, others want to follow, Refusal Skills - The ways to say "no" to peer pressure, Negative Peer Pressure - Influence from peers to behave in a negative way, Positive Peer Pressure - Influence from peers to behave in a responsible way, Assertive Behavior - Saying no to an action or leaving the negative situation, Confidence - A feeling that you can do something well, Peer - An Equal, Manipulate - The act of trying to influence another persons decisions, Risk (+/-) - To take a chance, Strategy - A series of actions that have been thought out, Self-Esteem - The way you feel about yourself, Consequences - A result of an action or risk,
MLA Peer Pressure Vocabulary
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