Brandishing - To shake or wave like a weapon, Cascade - waterfall or anything that flows or falls in abundance, Doggedly - persistently or with determination, Engrossed - to take or engage the whole attention of , Engulfed - swallowed up in or submerged, Gaping - wide open, Giddy - dizzy, Gingerly - with great care or caution, Glumly - in a silently gloomy way, Haughtily - in a arrogantly proud or snobbish way, Hideous - very ugly, Loathsome - disgusting or revolting, Lurking - to lie or wait in or around a place secretly especially for a evil purpose, Melancholy - a gloomy state of mind, Nonchalantly - in a coolly unconcerned or in different way; casually, Ordeal - an extremely severe or trying test; trial, Ovation - an enthusiastic public reception of a person often including loud applause, Peevishly - with annoyance, Precariously - characterized by a lack of stability or security, Unkempt - messy; not cared for or neat,

Vocab Chapters 16-20


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