1) happy and positive a) easy-going b) absent-minded c) cheerful d) clumsy 2) deserving trust a) reliable b) selfish c) ruthless d) witty 3) awkward in movement or manner a) ruthless b) patient c) witty d) clumsy 4) using words in a clever and funny way a) cheerful b) witty c) easy-going d) ruthless 5) easily offended or upset a) touchy b) selfish c) possessive d) boastful 6) relaxed and not easily upset or worried a) absent-minded b) easy-going c) hesitant d) patient 7) not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others a) selfish b) reliable c) boastful d) ruthless 8) likely to forget things, esp. because you do not give your attention to what is happening a) touchy b) absent-minded c) clumsy d) easy-going 9) not usually talking about your own abilities and achievements a) modest b) boastful c) witty d) touchy 10) praising yourself and what you have done a) neat b) patient c) boastful d) modest

Personality Adjectives


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