1) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. I had to go to the ______________________ office. a) principal b) principal's c) principals' 2) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. My _____________________ vase is made of glass. a) aunts' b) aunts c) aunt's 3) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ______________________ zipper broke. a) jacket's b) jackets' c) jackets 4) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. My big ___________________ friend is so funny! a) brother's b) brothers c) brothers' 5) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ____________________ windshield cracked. a) cars b) cars' c) car's 6) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. Our ___________________ dog is so cute. a) cousins' b) cousin's c) cousins 7) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ____________________ lesson was so fun. a) teacher b) teachers' c) teacher's 8) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ____________________ knob wouldn't turn. a) doors b) door's c) doors' 9) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ___________________ schedule changed. a) worker's b) workers c) workers' 10) Choose the singular possessive noun to complete the sentence. The ____________________ hockey stick needs tape. a) players' b) players c) player's

Singular Possessive Nouns


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