agriculture food & natural resources - improving the quality and safety of food, cultivating and preserving our natural resources, and caring for animals., architecture & construction - focuses on designing, planning, managing, building, and maintaining the built environment., arts, A/V technology & communication - designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content., business management & administration - planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations., education & training - one focuses on building skills, and the other provides a foundation for further learning., finance - the management of money and includes activities such as investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting, government & public administration - planning and performing government functions at the local, state and federal levels, including governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, and regulations., health science - the study of the well-being, health, or medical care for human beings or those who are sick or unhealthy, Hospitality & Tourism - the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and food services, lodging, attractions, recreation activities, and conventions., Human Services - programs or facilities for meeting basic health, welfare, and other needs of a society or group, as people who are poor, sick, or elderly., Information Technology - a set of related fields that encompass computer systems, software, programming languages, and data and information processing, and storage., law, public safety, corrections & security - guard the public and enforce the law as a police officer or security guard. Or, you might provide fire protection as a firefighter., manufacturing - the making of articles on a large scale using machinery; industrial production., Marketing - set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large., Science, Tech, Engineering, Math (stem) - an umbrella term used to group together the distinct but related technical disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics - moving people and things from one location to another quickly, safely, and at a low cost.,
Career Clusters
8th Grade
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