gadget - A mall tool or device that does something useful, gigabyte - A unit of computer memory equals 1000000000 bytes, gold - A chemical element that is a yellow precious metal used for making jewelry, harmless - Unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm, helpless - Unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people , journey - An act of traveling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart, lantern - A lamp in a clear case that you can carry it outside, law - A rule that deals with a particular crime, Log in - To perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system, machine - A piece of equipment with many parts that work together to do a particular task, medal - A flat piece of metal is usually given to the winner of a competition, memory - Your ability to remember things, mow - To cut grass using a machine, Out of shape - Not having the normal shape, Overweight - Too heavy in a way that may be unhealthy , Password - A series of letters, numbers, etc. that you must type into a computer to use it , Personal trainer - A person who somebody pays to help them exercise, Plan - To make detailed arrangements for something you want to do in the future, Predict - To say that something will happen in the future, reduce - To make something less or smaller, somewhere - In, at, or to a place that you do not know,
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