What syllable type is this word:, What syllable type is this word:, What syllable type is this word:, How many syllables are in the word:, How many syllables are in the word:, How many syllables are in the word:, Stand up, reach up high. Now skywrite this word:, Stand up, reach down low. Now skywrite this word:, How many syllables are in this word:, True or False: This word has a vowel team syllable., True or False: This word has a r-controlled syllable., True or False: This word has a VCe syllable., True or False: This word has an open syllable., True or False: This word has a C+LE syllable., True or False: This word has a closed syllable., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables., True or False: This word us divided correctly into syllables..
Syllable Race 2
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