Put your hands on your shoulders then count to eight., Put your hands over your eyes and stand up., Read this, say your name, and then count to 12., After reading this, do not count to 10., Shake your head up and down and then say hello., Put your elbows on the table and wave at me., Pretend to take off a watch and then point to a corner in the room., Stand up, spin around 3 times and say “Look over there!”, Stand up and then jump up and down two times., Clap your hands 3 times and walk to the door., Pretend to wash your hands and then cross your fingers., Shake your head yes and name a color, Pretend to put on a shirt and name a shape., Pretend to comb your hair and tell me how old you are., Count to 10 and then pretend to tie your shoe., Count the chairs in the room and then say "STOP", Pat yourself on the head and say your ABC’s., Name something you see that is red and then sit on your hands., Name something that you see is green and clap your hands 7 times..
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