Correct: I like old movies., We went to see a movie., The theater is big. Fourteen movies are shown at the same time., I enjoyed the movie. Did you?, Parking is free at the theater, but the parking pass must be validated in the theater., Senior citizens can get a discount on tickets., The actresses wear beautiful dresss., Incorrect: Before the 1950s, most filmed in black and white., I don't like scary movies. I can't be slept afterwards., Did the movie directed by Steven Spielberg?, People in the audience are eaten popcorn., The popcorn is fresh. It's been popped right now., Popcorn sells in the lobby of the theater., Before the movie, coming attractions are show., At the end of the movie, we were left the theater and went home., A lot of popcorn containers and candy wrappers was left on the floor of the theater., Some movies can be enjoy by the whole family., Tickets can bought online ahead of time., What was happened? I can't find my ticket., The movie is for adults. Children don't permitted to enter., Some movies should not seen by children., At the Oscar ceremony, the actors are arrived in limousines.,
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