If you could meet one famous person, who would it be and why?, What's at the top of your bucket list?, What's your spirit animal and why?, What's your favorite song at the moment?, 2 truths and a lie, What's a new quarantine hobby/activity you've picked up?, Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who?, Who is your Doppelgänger?, If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?, Who's your biggest role model and why?, What is your guilty pleasure?, What is your dream job?, If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?, What thing do you miss most about being a kid?, Do you like sweet or savory breakfast foods better?, Have you ever broken a bone? If so tell the story, What was your favorite cartoon/TV show as a child?, Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?, Would you rather be able to speak with all animals or speak every language in the world?, What's your favorite TV show at the moment?.
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