If I had a magic wand, I would..., When I grow up, I want to be a..., My favorite thing about school is..., My favorite thing about my family is..., A quality I look for in a friend is..., When I think about my future, I feel..., I feel confident when..., The happiest time in my life was..., My favorite season is..., Something I found difficult, but I got better at is..., Three things I can do when I feel sad are..., My favorite season is..., My friends would say that I am..., I am best at..., I am still practicing..., What I love most about myself is..., In my free time, I like to..., Three things I can do when I feel angry are..., I feel excited when..., I am grateful for..., I can express gratitude by..., A school goal I set for myself this year is..., A home goal I set for myself this year is..., I can be an upstander by..., One way I practice mindfulness is..., Something that motivates me is..., Three things I can do when I feel anxious/nervous are..., I can be a good friend by..., Two ways I can be kind to others are..., Something I can tell myself if I make a mistake is..., My hidden talent is..., Something that makes me unique is....
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