capable - able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results, devotion - loyalty and love or care for someone or something, courage - the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant, unmatched - having no equal; better than any other of the same type, versatile - able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes, shed - to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident, anxious - worried and nervous, excel - to do something very well or be highly skilled, and be better than most others, handicapped - not able to use part of your body or your mind because it has been damaged or does not work normally., drug - any natural or artificially made chemical that is taken for pleasure, to improve someone's performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it, obedience - the fact that people or animals do what they are told to do, crate - a cage with a bed that a dog, especially a puppy, sleeps in and stays in when its owners are away from home, shelter - (a building designed to give) protection from bad weather, danger, or attack, adopt - to take an animal that has been left in a place such as a rescue centre, and keep it as your pet,
German Shepherd Dog
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