1) This is a push or pull a) Gravity b) Force c) Mass d) Speed e) weight f) Inertia 2) This is the pull of attraction between two different objects a) force b) friction c) mass d) weight e) Gravity f) speed 3) force created when two objects rub against each other  a) force b) gravity c) mass d) weight e) speed f) friction 4) the amount of matter in an object a) Force b) gravity c) mass d) friction e) speed f) motion 5) the pull of gravity a) force b) gravity c) motion d) weight e) speed f) mass 6) the distance an object moves in a certain amount of time a) force b) speed c) motion d) speed e) friction f) gravity 7) an objects resistance to change in motion a) Intertia b) force c) mass d) motion e) speed f) weight 8) a change in the position or location of an object a) friciton b) mass c) inertia d) motion e) speed f) weight

Force and Motion Vocab



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