1) We always thought Danielle felt happy here, but deep ________ she was really homesick. a) down b) touch c) heart 2) Steve won’t change his ________ – once he makes a decision, there’s no going back.  a) brain b) mind c) set 3) Lara’s got a heart of ________; she never says no when she’s asked for help. a) silver b) gold c) love 4) Ingrid says her new boss is a cold ________. Apparently he gives nothing away and rarely smiles. a) reptile b) fish c) ice 5) My fiancé’s parents are actually very down to ________ and they agree with us that we shouldn’t spend a fortune on our wedding. a) earth b) ground c) street 6) My kids know very well that I’m a bit of a soft ________ and they make sure to take advantage of it! a) hand b) touch c) soul

English File Advanced 1






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