A report is written for a clearly ____ audience and typically concludes with a ____. Typically, you are not expected to ____ anyone, you are simply reporting on something, though you can ____ in your own views.Before you start writing your report, consider the following . Target ____ You may be asked to write a report for a supervisor, a teacher or even a group of people, such a sports society . Aim of the report For example, the aim of this report is to ____ problems with the current way of helping students sett le in a new country and ____ ways in which these problems can be overcome. Features of a report Title Every report needs a title. Report titles are very easy to write, as they are ____. A good report title is simply Report into..., e.g. Report into welcoming international students to Worchester University. Introduction The introduction to a report is very ____ (meaning you can memorise and use it). A good introduction to a report is The aim of this report is to evaluate/ summarise/propose... Sub-sections Reports need clear sub-sections with suitable ____. The subheadings are usually very ____. It's a good idea to write down your sub-headings before you start writing. They can act as a very short ____. Conclusion The conclusion of a report is often a ____ or your overall ____ of whatever it was you reported on. You should give it a subheading, which can be simply ____, but may also be Recommendation or Evaluation. Language The language of a report is always ____ and formal. Do not include ____ or colourful language. Include facts and ____ if relevant. Do not use the ____ (I, me, my), instead express your ideas in the ____ (it is important, that ... , there is a need for ...). When you have finished writing your report, read through it and check your ____ and punctuation (capital letters, apostrophes, commas, etc.). Check subject-verb ____, tenses and word order as well as singular and plural nouns. Make sure you have included all ____ and finished with a clear ____.

CAE Report






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