Infants I: birth - 9 months: Physical: Head flops if not supported., Social: Recognizes familiar voices, Emotional: Forms attachments, Mental: Learns to track objects, Language: Prelinguistic Stage: baby signs, eye contact, cooing, Currency: Security - Safety/Bonding, Infants II : 9-18 months: Physical: Develops mobility/Grasps items with hands, Social: Plays independently, Emotional: Separation anxiety, Mental: Benefits from routine, Language: Holophrase Stage: speaks one word at a time, can answer nonverbally with a nod. , Currency: Mobility - Crawl/Walk, Toddlers: 1-2 years: Physical: Develops fine motor skills - can jump, walk and run, Social: Plays independently / begins to share, Emotional: Asks for comfort or comforts self, Mental: Curious - easily distracted. Can concentrate for 2-6 minutes, Language: Two/Multiple Word Sentence stage: , Currency: Having: tangible objects,

Developmental Phases Chart - Infants/ Toddlers






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