1) I _______ to renew my passport. (necessity) a) must b) have c) should 2) She _______ take all her shots. (necessity) a) needs b) has c) must 3) He _______ avoid the food stalls on the streets. (advice) a) had b) should c) needs to 4) We _______ buy some souvenirs. (suggestion) a) had better b) have to c) must 5) They _______ make a copy of their credit card. (advice) a) ought to b) should ought to c) have to 6) You _______ carry a lot of cash on you. It's dangerous. (advice) a) should b) ought not to c) musn't 7) He _______ book the hotel in advance. (suggestion) a) has to b) must c) had better 8) We _______ buy our tickets as soon as possible. (advice) a) ought to b) have to c) need to

Modals for Necessity, Advice and Suggestion






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