Name three parts of a typical essay. - An introduction, main body and a conclusion., What's the main purpose of the introduction? - It presents the topic of the essay, gives a general background and indicates the overall plan., Why does the introduction has a ‘funnel’ shape? - Because it becomes more specific as it progresses., List some features of the thesis statement. - It states the specific topic of the essay and it often lists the main (controlling) ideas of the essay. It is usually one sentence., Detail three components of a paragraph. - A topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence., What is the controlling idea? Where do you find it? - It limits the paragraph to one or two areas that can be discussed fully in one paragraph. It is in the topic sentence., Why might the final component of a paragraph be missing? - It’s most useful for long paragraphs, as it helps the reader to remember of the main ideas. It will often be omitted from shorter paragraphs., Why is the topic sentence important? - So the writer has a clear idea what information to include (and exclude), Give examples of types of support included in a paragraph. - This would include reasons, examples , facts, statistics and citations., Name two components of a typical conclusion. - A summary of the main points and the writer’s final comment on the subject.,

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