1) My mum ... books every day.  a) read b) reads 2) She ... in the park ... March. a) run / on b) runs / on c) run / in d) runs / in 3) Will you travel to England ... 2022? a) in b) on 4) I ... in the swimming pool ... morning. a) swim / in the b) swims / in the c) swim / on d) swims / on 5) Ann ... bananas ... Fridays.  a) eat / in b) eats / in c) eat / on d) eats / on 6) My sister ... like to ride the bike ... Winter. a) doesn't / in b) don't / in c) doesn't / on d) don't / on 7) ... the children sing English songs ... night? a) Does / in the b) Do / in c) Does / on d) Do / on e) Does / at f) Do / at 8) The children often ... computer games ...... the evening. a) plays / in b) plays / on c) play / on d) plays / at e) play / at f) play / in 9) We ... breakfast at 10 o'clock ... Sunday. a) have / on b) has  / on c) have / in d) has / in 10) John ... play tennis every day ...... September. a) don't / in b) doesn't / in c) don't / on d) doesn't / at 11) Sam ... football ..... Mondays. a) play / on b) plays / on c) play / in d) plays / in 12) My dad ... work ..... December 25. a) doesn't / on b) don't / on c) don't / in d) doesn't / in 13) Nick always ... his homework .... the evening. a) do / on b) does / in c) do / in d) does / on 14) He often ... the dog for a walk .... Summer. a) takes / on b) take / on c) takes / in d) take / in 15) ... your friend go to school ..... the afternoon? a) Do / at b) Does / in c) Do / at d) Does / at 16) Did you work at school ... 1999? a) on b) in

Present Simple + Prepositions of time






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