1) Who was considered the Holy Roman Emperor? a) Charles the Great b) Alexander the Great c) Genghis Khan 2) What is the time period that is referred to European History from the 400 - 1500s? a) Early Ages b) Middle Ages c) Dark Ages 3) What was the religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church? a) Renaissance b) Revival c) Reformation 4) What is it called when a country is not governed by the king, but by individual lords, or barons, who administered their own estates and other duties. a) Manorialism b) Dictatorshipo c) Feudalism 5) What was known as the terrible disease that spread throughout Europe in the 1300s? a) Rabies Death b) Flu Deaths c) Black Death 6) What is the time period from the 14th to 17th century in Europe that bridged the time between the Middle Ages & Modern Times? a) Renaissance b) Reformation c) Dark Ages d) Middle Ages 7) What is the name of the first formal document stating that a King had to follow th elaws of the land and it guaranteed the rights of individuals? a) Code of Hammurabi b) Magna Carta c) Ten Commandments 8) What was the series of wars fought during the Middle Ages where the Christians tried to retake control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims? a) Civil Wars b) Pre-Wars c) Crusades 9) Who is at the top of the Feudalism heirarchy? a) King b) Nobles c) Knights d) Vassals 10) The king gives ____ to the nobles in exchange for protection & military service. a) money b) land c) slaves 11) Who was at the bottom of the feudalism hierarchy pyramid? a) knights b) peasants c) nobles d) king

Charles the Great, Feudal, & Manor Systems







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