问好 - wèn hǎo - say hello to / send one's regards to, 你好 - ní hǎo - hello,, 请问 - qǐng wèn -May I ask...?, 姓 - xìng - family name, surname, 贵姓 - guì xìng - honorable surname, 我 - wǒ - I, me, 你 - nǐ - you, 叫 - jiào - to be called, to call, 什么 - shénme - what (pron), 名字 - míngzi - name or given name, 你呢 - nǐ ne - how about you, 呢 - ne - question particle for subjects already mentioned), 小姐 - xiǎojiě - Miss; young lady, 先生 - xiān shēng- Mr.; husband; teacher, 女士 - nǚ shì - lady / madam, 是 - shì - am, is, are, 不是 - bú shì - no (negative form of shì), is not, 老师 - lǎoshī - teacher, 学生 - xuésheng - student, 也 - yě - also, too, 吗 - ma - question word, 人 - rén - person, 中国人 - zhōng guó rén - Chinese people, 美国人 - méi guó rén - American, 纽约 - Niǔyuē - New York, 北京 - Běijīng Beijing; capital of China,

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