1) on peut rester en contact a) you can stay in contact b) you can rest in contact c) you can be a contact 2) On peut communiquer et échanger des idées a) You can communicate b) You can communicate and exchange ideas c) You can change ideas 3) C'est un outil éducatif a) It's useful b) It's an education c) It's an educational tool. 4) On peut devenir accro a) You can be angry b) It can be addicting c) You can become addicted 5) On peut passer trop de temps devant l'ordinateur a) You can spend too much time in front of the computer b) You can spend a lot of money on the computer c) You can sit on the computer 6) J'aime aller sur les réseaux sociaux a) I like going b) I like going on social networks c) I like to have social media 7) facile a) fascinating b) difficult c) easy 8) la cyberintimidation a) cyber use b) cyber bullying 9) to use a) avoir b) utile c) utiliser 10) parresseux a) lazy b) pleasant c) pleasing 11) ça peut être dangereux a) it is dangerous b) that's dangerous c) it can be dangerous 12) il faut faire attention a) you must pay attention b) you have to be careful c) you have to be attentive 13) les achats en ligne a) online shopping b) buying things c) online 14) éviter a) to engage b) to allow c) to avoid 15) le vol d'identité a) identity flight b) identity theft c) fraud

Internet / Social Media (advantages & disadvantages)






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