1) YOUR MOM TURNS OFF YOUR VIDEO GAME IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME AND MAKES YOU DO CHORES.  2) You find your sibling reading your diary and she starts laughing at you. I feel.... 3) What does the word "fear" mean to you? 4) How can you help a friend calm down when they are angry? 5) Name 3 emotions in the red zone. 6) Name 2 calming strategies to get back to the green zone. 7) Who can help you at school when you feel angry? 8) If a friend said to you, "I'm really irritated right now," what might you say back to them?  9) Tell me about one thing that can make you feel really angry.  10) Show me how your body looks in the Blue Zone. 11) Show me how your body looks in the Green Zone. 12) Show me how your body looks in the Yellow Zone. 13) Show me how your body looks in the Red Zone. 14) Tell me about a time that you made yourself feel better when you were really angry.  15) You can't find the remote to the TV and you need to watch your favorite show. How do you feel?  16) Your brother is sick and you have to do his chores in addition to your own. How do you feel? 17) Which Tool Should I Use?: When I feel nervous, I can.... 18) True or False: When I am out of control I am in the Red Zone.  19) True or False: In the Blue zone I feel ready to learn.  20) You just lost at a game and have to start the game all over. You feel red and ready to throw your phone/Chromebook. Name a calming strategy to use in this situation.  21) Name the feeling & zone. 22) True or False: Thoughts are permanent and define who we are. 23) Fill in the blank: All feelings are _______ but all behaviors are ________.  24) You're talking to your friends in the bathroom when one of your friends pulls out a sharpie and says I dare you to write a swear word on the wall. What do you do? 25) You need to study for your test but your friend wants you to go online to play videos games with them. What do you do? 26) You find a wallet on the ground at recess. Your friends tell you to keep it. What do you do? 27) Someone makes fun of you at school because of your grades. How do you feel? What do you do? 28) List 3 calming strategies you can use when you're feeling annoyed or frustrated. 29) True or False: All feelings and behaviors are not ok. 30) Fill in the blank: Think ________ before making a decision.







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