1) If you could be a character in a movie, would you be a hero or a villian? 2) Which is better, mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese? 3) If you could trade places with your teacher, what subject would you teach today? 4) Does the last day of school make you excited or sad? 5) If your teacher offered to take the class on vacation, where would you choose to go? 6) What is the worse food you have ever eaten? 7) Who is your favorite person in the whole world? 8) What si the one thing that calms you down? 9) How did you sleep last night? 10) What is your favorite meal of the day and why? 11) What would you buy with $50? 12) What is your favorite season of the year? 13) What is the one movie that you can quote the most? 14) What is your favorite color in a box of crayons? 15) What is one thing you want everyone to know about you? 16) If you had the chance to meet any person from the past or present, who would it be? 17) What is your favorite book? 18) What is the best pizza topping? 19) What is your least favorite chore at home? 20) Who is your favorite person to spend time with at school? 21) What does family mean to you? 22) What do people like the most about you? 23) What is the most refreshing thing on a hot summer day? 24) Who is your favorite singer or rapper? 25) What is the best gift you ever received? 26) Is there something you have said or done that you would like to take back? 27) What wakes you up in the morning? 28) What is something you wished we had at school? 29) If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why? 30) Imagine that you only have one favorite food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? 31) What makes you nervous? 32) Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly? 33) If you could have a shopping spree at any store, what store would you choose? 34) What is your favorite thing to do when you go outside? 35) Do you like to wake up early or go to bed late? 36) Who do you think knows you best? 37) How would you describe your school to your parents? 38) If you could travel to any time period, where would you go and who would you take with you? 39) Are you a leader or a follower? 40) When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? 41) What was the last song you listened to outside of school? 42) What is your favorite time of day? 43) What fictional character do you wish you could meet? (Captain America, Fly Guy, etc.) 44) What is your favorite day of the week? 45) What do you like to watch on YouTube? 46) What is your favorite genre of book or movie? (drama, biography, science fiction, etc.) 47) What is the farthest you have ever been from home? 48) What is the best thing that happened to you last week? 49) What do you hope never changes? 50) What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you? 51) What are you most likely to become famous for? 52) If you were the only human left on Earth, what would you do? 53) What is one thing you wish you were better at doing? 54) Name one thing you would like to do during your summer break. 55) What is your favorite joke? (30 seconds or less) 56) Have you ever tried something scary that ended up being so much fun? 57) When was the last time you laughed so hard it hurt? 58) What is the most useful thing someone has taught you? 59) What celebrity fan club could you be president of? 60) What song makes you want to turn off the radio? 61) Would you rather learn to play guitar or the piano? 62) What is your favorite fast food restaurant? What do you order? 63) What food do you know how to cook yourself? 64) What is your least favorite food? How much would you have to get paid to eat it? 65) Would you rather live 100 years in the past or the future? 66) Would you rather have a special artistic talent or a special athletic talent? 67) Would you rather win an olympic gold medal or be part of a major league championship team? 68) Spiders or snakes? 69) Dogs or cats? 70) Would you rather kiss a frog or hug a baby alligator? 71) Would you rather eat a dead spider or a live worm? 72) What are you afraid of? 73) What is your favorite subject? 74) What is your least favorite subject? 75) If you could keep one possession that you currently have, what would it be and why? 76) Would it be more difficult to go a week without TV, social media, YouTube, music, or texting? 77) What is your favorite board game or card game? 78) Would you rather have a hand twice as big or twice as small? 79) Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses? 80) Would you rather be 15 years older or 5 years younger? 81) If there was a book written about your life, what would the first chapter be about?
Connection Questions Deck #2