1) What man did Jesus heal? a) A man of blindness sitting in the street b) A man of brain damage sitting on the ground c) A paralyzed lying on a mat 2) What did the teachers of the law think when Jesus healed the paralyzed man a) This man uses tricks b) This man is a coward c) This man Blasphemeth 3) What did Jesus say to the healed man a) Rest until you are better b) Arise, take up your mat, and go home c) Show these men that you are healed 4) Who did Jesus see while walking, and told him to follow him? a) Matthew b) Luke c) Mark 5) Who did Jesus eat with? a) His parents b) Teachers of the law c) Tax collectors, sinners and his disciples 6) What was one thing Jesus told the teachers of the law why he ate with tax collectors and sinners a) I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance b) Come and sit, and sin no more garment, I will be healed, c) Let your sins be washed 7) What did the synagogue leader say to Jesus? a) My cousin is even now dead; come and lay your hand upon him , and he will live b) My daughter is even now dead; but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. c) My son is even now dead; but come and lay thy hand upon him and he shall live 8) What disease did the woman have before she touched the hem of Jesus garment? a) Cancer b) Issue of blood c) Heart Diease 9) What did the woman with the issue of blood say within herself? a) If I only touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed, b) If I can get close to Jesus I will be healed c) If I can walk faster I would be healed 10) What did Jesus say to the women with the issue of blood?  a) I will heal you in 1 week b) Lady be of good sense, thy faith had mad you whole c) Take heart, daughter, he said your faith has healed you 11) What did the noisy crowd and people do when Jesus told them the girl is not dead but asleep? a) They were silent and listened b) They fainted out of shock c) They laughed at him 12) What happen to make the girl rise? a) He told the girl to get up b) Jesus took the girl by the hand and she got up c) He said arise and walk 13) Who followed Jesus later and what did the call him? He healed them because of their faith. a) Blind men, Son of David b) Foolish men, Thou Son of God c) Pharisees, Thou Son of David 14) When Jesus went out in all the cities and saw all the multitude, what did Jesus say a) Do you believe I am able to do this? b) Be of good, your sins are forgiven c) The harvest truly is plentiful but the labors are few 15) Who has authority to forgive sin on earth? a) The Son of Man (Jesus) b) The teachers of the Law c) The tax collectors 16) For how many years had the woman suffered from the issue of blood ? a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 17) What happened when Jesus healed the demon possessed man? a) People thought it was a trick b) the crowds who observed this healing were amazed because nothing like this has been seen before in Israel c) Nothing 18) What is Matthew's job? a) Shepherd b) Farmer c) Tax collector 19) When Jesus saw the crowds he had________on them, because were harassed and helpless a) Compassion b) Anger c) indifference

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