leave a window open  - When I got home, I found that my flat had been burgled., be hiking on Sunday  - My legs were really stiff on Monday morning., forget to turn off the air conditioning before you went away - When I came back from my summer holiday, I got an electric bill for $3,000., put red and white clothes together and set the temperature too high - When I took my ‘white’ shirts out of the washing machine, they were pink., be raining and the road was slippery  - The car skidded going round the corner even though the driver reduced speed., eat too much at lunch  - I felt really sleepy this afternoon., forget to turn off the cooker - I got a call at work this morning to say my flat was on fire., be drinking - Last night I heard a noise outside my house at 2 a.m. Three men were walking down the street singing loudly., be baking a cake - When I got home, my sister had flour on her hands., eat it - I left some bread on the kitchen table last night but this morning it had gone., be having an affair with another man - My colleauge’s husband divorced her., forget to plug it in  - I couldn't turn on my computer this morning., be cutting onions  - My mum came out of the kitchen laughing and crying at the same time., be sunbathing with sunglasses on - My colleague's face was red except around her eyes.,

What's the reason?





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