Small Talk: Hi, how are you?, How was your weekend?, I really hope it doesn't snow this weekend!, Compliment + Question: You did awesome during your science presentation! Why did you pick volcanoes?, I like your shirt a lot! Where did you get it!, Awesome job in gym today! Could you show me how to shoot like that next time?, Common Ground: I heard you like Marvel movies! Did you see the new Spider-Man movie?, You're in Boy Scouts too, right? Who is your troop leader?, I heard you are taking photography next year too in middle school. , Open-Ended Questions: What are your favorite things to do winter?, What are your plans for the summer?, What are your plans for the weekend?, Ice-Breaker Questions: What is your favorite type of ice cream?, If you could have any pet, what would it be?, What is your favorite holiday?,

Conversation Skills






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