What do you say when the speaker is talking too quickly?, What do you say when the speaker is speaking too quietly?, What do you say when you have a question?, What do you say when you don't understand?, What do you say when you need some time to think about your answer?, What do you say when you don't know the meaning of a word or phrase?, What do you say when you want the speaker to give you an example?, What do you sy when you want the speaker to repeat what he/she said?, What do you say when you want the speaker to give you mroe information or to explain something?, What do you say when you want to know whose turn it is next?, What do you say when you wan to know when to turn in your homework?, What do you say when you don't know what the assignment is?, What do you say when you don't know what to do in a breakout room?, What is one way that your teacher will try to contact you?, What is a good way to try to contact your teacher outside of class?.

Toolbox Random Wheel







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