hacer la cama - to make the bed, barrer - to sweep, lavar la ropa - to wash clothes, comer - to eat, cantar - to sing, bailar - to dance, jugar a los deportes - to play sports, organizar el armario - to organize your closet, descansar - to rest/relax, dormir - to sleep, hablar - to talk, mirar - to watch, poner la mesa - to set the table, pasar la aspiradora - to vacuum, cortar el césped - to cut the lawn, estudiar - to study, sacar la basura - to take out the garbage, leer - to read, cocinar - to cook, ayudar en casa - to help around the house, limpiar - to clean, escuchar - to listen, Me gusta - I like, Prefiero - I prefer, No me gusta - I don't like, Me encanta - I love, Tengo que - I have to, Necesito - I need , hacer la tarea - to do your HW, jugar a los videojuegos - to play videogames,

Spanish Chores & activities - Los quehaceres y actividades






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